
New Album Release

Nyys Store Album

NYYS Album

New York Youth Symphony

Florence Price: Ethiopia's Shadow in America; Piano Concerto in One Movement • Valerie Coleman: Umoja • Jessie Montgomery: Soul Force

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We are excited to announce the release of our debut album on Avie Records on April 8, 2022! The album features the works of Valerie Coleman, NYYS alumna Jessie Montgomery, and Florence Price. Acclaimed pianist Michelle Cann performs on the Price Piano Concerto.

Preview on Apple Music

In the fall of 2020, when live performances were shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the New York Youth Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Michael Repper decided that instead of their usual concert at Carnegie Hall, they would record their very first studio album. This presented several challenges.  The heightened safety protocol meant that the full 110 musician orchestra could not be in the same space together; playing separated and socially distanced meant sometimes recording to a click track, while wearing headphones, a skill most of the musicians had to learn quickly. The Grammy award-winning producer Judith Sherman and recording engineer Isaiah Abolin then layered the tracks on top of each other. It was a true feat and the results are incredible!

We’re proud that the student musicians of the NYYS Orchestra rose resiliently to these challenges, and recorded their first ever studio album!

The NYYS plays it all with panache

Arts Fuse

Behind the Scenes

Get a first-hand look at what went into creating this album in the middle of a pandemic.

Hear from Music Director Michael Repper, Grammy-winning Producer Judy Sherman, NYYS Executive Director Shauna Quill and students in a behind-the-scenes making of the album video.

Project Partners

This Project Was Made Possible In Part By:

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National Endowment For The Arts Logo
Nyc Cultural Affairs Logo
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The Milton Sally Avery Arts Foundation

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